Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Keep The Line Taut

When thou shalt vow a vow unto the LORD thy God, thou shalt not slack to pay it: for the LORD thy God will surely require it of thee; and it would be sin in thee.” (De 23:21 AV)

This means immediately!  If there is a vow unto the LORD, it is to be paid immediately after the vow!  No delay!  No putting it off.  Not second guessing.  In fact, the verse that follows this one states it is not a sin to refrain from a vow. Only a sin to make a vow and not perform that vow.

This is a good principle to remember on those tough days of ministry.  Days when we wish we could be doing something else.  Days that we wish we had never surrendered.  Days when we wish we had stayed in the factor, making disposable plates!  It is those days when the vow becomes less a drive and more an obligation.  But it is in those days that we must remember we made a vow and we cannot renege.

But there is a stronger application here as well.  The word ‘…slack…’ indicated the vow is still in place.  Circumstances have made it less important.  Like a line tied to a boat that is moving upon the water, there are times the rope is taut, and other times it is slack.  The ups and downs of the environment make the rope slack or taut.  Slack means loose, yet secure.  Taut means tight and close by; always secure.  In other words, if there is a vow, there should be just at much unction regardless of circumstances or need.  In prosperous times or in times of stress, the vow should not change.  Dedication to the vow should never be more or less.  In times of prosperity and calmness, dedication to the vow may slacken.  In times of duress when the sheep need their shepherd the most, then the line is taut again.  This cannot be.  It shouldn’t be.  Keep the rope taut at all time!

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