Thursday, February 15, 2018


He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.” (De 32:4 AV)

Pretty much sums it up!  Those verses which succinctly sum up the God whom we love and worship are beautiful to me.  Only the LORD could describe Himself in perfect terms.  This is one of them.

There was a teacher in our Bible Institute that was know for being difficult.  He would do things that would challenge us.  Which we needed.  But then there were things he did that went beyond this.  One of the classes he taught was theology proper.  Theology proper is the study of God.  The Godhead.  Nothing but God.  It was an entire semester of the attributes and sovereignty of God.  Nothing but God.  Theology was the study of everything else.  Salvation, mankind, the church, things to come; that sort of thing.  Theology proper was that class where one tried to determine the nature of our triune God.  How God could be three persons yet one.  Or, whether God is in or out of time.  Things that can keep on up at night.  Anyway, I was not fortunate (or should I say unfortunate) enough to have him as my teacher for theology proper.  And I was overjoyed!  The reason being was the scuttle butt on what his final exam turned out to be.  It was two pages.  The first was instructions.  The student was allowed a Bible and concordance.  They were not allowed to look at the second page until the teacher said ‘go’.  To do so was an automatic zero.  When the teacher said ‘begin’, the flipped the page over an saw only one question. “Define God”.  Ouch!  They had two hours to define and undefinable God.  I always hoped I would never pull that teacher for theology proper.  And praise the LORD, He saved me from it.

Yet, this professor’s question, and the struggle which I am sure each student faced, only goes to prove a point.  Only God can adequately define Himself.  And, this He does in our verse this morning.  God is perfection!  In all aspects, there is no imperfection.  There are no words that can be added.  No commentary that can further explain!  God is Deut 32:4!  That is who and what He is!

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