Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Cleanse the Land!

So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it.” (Nu 35:33 AV)

One has to wonder how the United States still believes God can bless her!  With innocent blood being spilled and no justice which follows, the land is polluted and the wrath of God eminent.  One might argue that our legal system satisfies the requirement of justice upon those who claim the life of another.  That would certainly be the case.  Yet, there is a group of people whose lives are ended who have no voice and whom the nation has decided it is legal to kill.  The unborn!

Arguments abound for and against abortion.  Yet they are all mute.  God is the creator of life and He is the only opinion that matters.  According to the scriptures, life begins at conception.  One might argue they do not believe the bible to be the word of God and that absolves them from accepting the truth that life begins at conception.  That individual is free to believe what he or she wishes. But, they are not free to escape the consequences of that belief.  A nation may have rejected the Bible as the final authority of truth, but that will not change God’s hand upon it.   As long as murdering the unborn and legalizing sodomy is our nation moral norm, the judgment of God is only a matter of time.

The land is polluted.  It is polluted by our own selfishness and perversion.  What is really sad is when surveyed, the majority of people would do away with abortion on demand.  Yet, these same people keep re-electing politicians who have no heart to do it.  The people know better, yet our leaders have no spine!  When it comes to sodomy, the majority of our nation accept it.  This is disturbing!  We call ourselves a Christian nation, yet we tolerate perversion and a legal right!  Amazing and disturbing at the same time.  Our land is polluted and if we do not clean it up, the LORD will do it for us!

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