Wednesday, December 20, 2017

No Stress Future!

Man’s goings are of the LORD; how can a man then understand his own way?” (Pr 20:24 AV)

Precisely!  If the LORD controls all things, including our future, then how are we any more in control of it than He allows?  If my goings are already determined by the immutable counsel of an all-knowing God, then how are we inclined to believe we determine our own destiny?  If a sovereign God whose wisdom is, and always will be, beyond our ability to comprehend can plan and put in place those events He chooses to occur in our lives, how are we even entertaining the possibility that we know where we are going or even how we are going to get there?

Yes, our future is a culmination of our choices.  But thing about this for a moment.  All our choices were within a certain structure of limited possibilities.  For instance, I cannot bare a child so a choice to be with child is not a possible choice.  I am not very athletic, so when I pitched little league (and was relatively successful at that age) a choice to pursue a career in baseball was not a realistic one.  Although I was an above average student in grade school, high school, and college, I was not exceptional.  A career in higher education was not my future.  We have choices.  But those choices are limited by the opportunity God allows.

This should actually be a source of great comfort to us!  The plan of God is one with boundaries.  It is one with constraints.  We can take comfort in knowing that we have the ability to screw up our lives but not the ability to screw them up to the complete destruction of God’s sovereign plan.  We can also take comfort that when there are future choices to be made, if we are walking with the LORD, these choices will be limited and in perfect communion with God’s plan for us.  NO STRESS!  I don’t need to know the future.  I don’t need to understand what the LORD is doing.  Only He does!  And He does!

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