Saturday, December 2, 2017

Law is Honorable

“The LORD is well pleased for his righteousness’ sake; he will magnify the law, and make [it] honourable.” (Isa 42:21 AV)

Just because mankind has ignored the laws of God doesn’t mean the LORD has.  It may take some time, but the LORD will make His law relevant again.

There is an interesting phenomenon occurring in our nation.  Sexual harassment is all over the place. At least those being accused of it are.  It started with accusations leveled against a very conservative senatorial candidate from the state of Alabama.  The left went after him with all sorts of accusations.  Mostly false.  However, this tactic has backfired.  Now, the perverts on the left are being outed.  From a famous movie director to a leftist news-anchor to a well-loved congressman, this accusation is far reaching and broad.  Intended to sink professing Christians and conservatives, it seems the left is guiltier of the very thing which they are trying to pin on their competition.  It just goes to show the truth of the verse above.  God’s law is supreme and no one is above it.

This should really strike some fear into our hearts.  Fear that the LORD will not hide nor relax the law no matter who we are.  The law will be honorable again.  The law will be pre-eminent.  The law will be magnified so that mankind will be subject to it again.  No exceptions.  No do overs.  No bending of the rules to accommodate individual liberty.  The law will be honorable again.  It will be a good thing.  A right thing. A righteous thing.  A thing to be admired and followed.

One can tell a lot about himself by how he looks at the law.  Does he see it as an obstruction or inconvenience?  Does he see it as a duty?  Or, does he see it as something honorable which should be pursued?  It is that third level which we should aspire to!

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