Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Thanking God for Being God

“Rejoice in the LORD, ye righteous; and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.” (Ps 97:12 AV)

Not our holiness.  His holiness.  We tend to think of holiness only in terms of moral perfection.  This is how Webster’s 1828 dictionary sees it. In reality, holiness is much more than that.  Holiness is the cumulative moral and natural attributes of God that make Him distinctly different from all that He has created.  Not just different.  But different in the sense of right, true, and righteous, etc.  In short, to give thanks at the remembrance of the holiness of God is to give thanks that God is who He is. He is infinitely so, and in His holiness, controls all things.  Giving thanks for God being God is a good thing.  When it all boils down to it, God being God is the truth upon which all faith rests.

There are a few things in life that are constant.  The north star will always point north.  A compass will always point north.  The sun will always rise in the east.  The moon’s phases will always be a twenty-eight-day cycle.  These absolutes are what we often cling to when lost or confused.  I am directionally challenged.  I can get turned around rather easily.  A compass is my best friend.  My soul-winning partner is striving to help me understand and remember direction.  I grew up with Lake Ontario to my north.  I moved from down south, where the Tennessee River was to my north and the Mississippi was to my west.  The Cumberland River was to my east.  Direction was no problem.  All I had to do was acclimate myself to the largest bodies of water and I was fine.  Now I live with Lake Michigan to my east.  One-hundred and eighty degrees to what I am used to.  It doesn’t help that our streets are laid out in a grid that is almost plum to the magnetic north.  Almost.  Relying on the sun is generally OK.  But it lowers into the southern hemisphere as we enter the winter months.  Was true east and west are not southeast and southwest.  Having an absolute that does not change and is not subject to anything in existence is totally reassuring.

We may not have all the answers, but God is God.  We may not know the future, but God will be God.  We may not have the strength for today, but God is God.  We may be confused or anxious, but God is still God.  The world may be falling apart, but God is God.  He always will be.  Our dreams may have come crashing down around us, but God remains the same.  Life is full of change.  Some of it welcomed.  Most if it not so much.  We do not like things to change.  The older we get, the more true that becomes.  Change stinks!  There is One who does not.  It is to Him we plead.  We plead for His holiness.  We remember and give thanks that God is God and God will always be God.  Nothing mankind or creation can or will do will ever change God.  God is holy!  God is true.  God is that unchanging anchor upon which we cast or weakened souls.  So, give thanks that God is God, God will always be God, and God loves and cares for His own!

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