Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Talk It Up

“Death and life [are] in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” (Pr 18:21 AV)

The understanding of this verse is very simple.  The application is profound.  Language can accomplish many things.  Language can cause great harm.  Or language can heal in many ways.  It all depends on how we use it.  Those that love to communicate by words will see results.  Good or bad, using the tongue produces fruit.  This fruit comes back on the one who understands the value of the tongue.  It can return in many ways.  But return it will.  Rather than consider the consequences of words, let us meditate on the value of words.  Note that those who use language love it.  They love the use of the tongue.  Be it good, bad, or indifferent, those who realize the fruit of their lips understand words have an effect.  They value communication.  All of God’s creatures communicate in one form or another.  Communication is the means of social organization.  For mankind, communication is the means of mutual support, cooperative goals, and the means by which we can gain more knowledge of an individual above what can be easily observed.  Without communication, society could not function.

When I watch a movie or show that is more drama than it is comedic, I am always moved by the importance of words.  Dialogue takes up the vast majority of screen time.  An action flic has exploding buildings and car chases.  It has fights.  An action movie or show has strategy.  A mystery has clues.  Discover does not necessitate dialogue.  But when I watch a drama, dialogue is the main story builder.  In particular, it strikes me as interesting how much dialogue is needed to accomplish the task at hand.  It could be a simple obstacle to a better relationship.  It brings to mind holiday hallmark movies.  My wife loves them.  The patter is always the same.  A young lady is seeing or engaged to a shmuck.  She goes away for some odd reason and meets the love of her life.  Much of the dialogue establishes the progression of the romance.  Then, about fifteen minutes before the end of the movie, there is a falling out.  Some misunderstanding comes into play.  Usually around an overheard and incomplete conversation to which the young lady was privy to.  It gets all ironed out and in the end; they kiss for the first time.  They are officially in love and the shmuck is out of luck.  Whether it is a romance, a family or life issue, or a legal challenge, the amount of communication needed to realize one’s end is immense.

Which brings me to my point.  If we are to affect our world and help in the life of others, communication is absolutely necessary.  If our lives are to make a difference, we must love the tongue.  Talking with others must be a passion.  A recluse changes nothing but his own bedclothes.  He or she accomplishes very little because their world has a single occupant.  Communication is difficult for some.  It has to be learned.  Add the complications that can come from culture, generational differences, or personality; and communication becomes all the more challenging.  But talk we must.  Not at each other.  Rather, with each other.  We have a Revival going on.  Following each evening service, we have a time for fellowship.  I must admit, I am a bit of a recluse.  Visiting for a very long time is not easy.  However, it is necessary!  As we sit around and speak of life, interests, and especially the LORD, words may seem innocuous.  But they are accomplishing much.  Encouragement, challenge, and affirmation are all a product of words.  So, next time you are tempted to be the flower on the wall, remember with the use of wise words and the love for them, you can be an instrument that will forever change the lives of others.


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