Monday, January 16, 2023

Remember Always - God Delivers

It is a night to be much observed unto the LORD for bringing them out from the land of Egypt: this is that night of the LORD to be observed of all the children of Israel in their generations.” (Ex 12:42 AV)

The underlined phrase may indicate the children of Israel were instructed to remember the night of Passover more than the law required.  The law required them to observe this night as a memorial once a year.  It was their New Year’s day celebration.  Passover was the beginning of the Jewish calendar.  But reading the narrative of the history of Israel, the theme or mention of the Passover is shared repeatedly.  The Passover was the foundation of many arguments toward godliness.  Moses rehearsed the fact of the Passover over and again as a reminder that God delivered them for a purpose.  David includes the fact of the Exodus as a theme in many of his psalms.  The Passover was not relegated to a yearly memory.  Although the feast may have been once a year, remembering what God did was not.  This is sort of like our ordinance of the LORD’s Supper.  We should observe it as oft as we will.  As often as necessary so that we never forget what Christ did for us.  The more Israel remembered their deliverance, the more faithful they were to walk in obedience.  The further from the memory of that deliverance, the more trouble they had with sin.

I’m probably just as guilty as the next saint who doesn’t make a regular practice of remembering the day of my salvation.  This memorial does not need to be limited to salvation.  Although the feast of the Passover is dedicated to one specific event in the history of Israel, the New Testament saint is not limited as they were.  We can remember all sorts of events of deliverance from whatever had us bound at the time.  In this entry, I wish to make a connection from the greatest delivery of all to those after that deliverance.  The greatest is deliverance from our sin and that which kept us from fellowship with God.  When Jesus Christ died on that cross, He paid my entire sin debt.  Even that which I have yet to do.  In that one act of death, burial, and resurrection, I am forever a child of God.  I can have peace if and when death approaches.  I know there is nothing between God and me.  But God’s deliverance did not stop there.  Since that time, there have been numerous hazardous events from which the LORD has delivered.  There have been health issues, deep financial issues, emotional issues, issues of the purpose of life, etc.  There have been crossroads one after another.  There have been times I didn’t think I would ever survive.  There have been issues in ministry, issues of regular life, and even family issues from time to time.  But the LORD has been good and delivered me out of them all.  I cannot say they turned out as I wanted at the time, but they did turn out as God designed them.  And His way is always best.

It is important to remember God’s deliverance frequently.  There will come times when deliverance is doubted.  We may think what we are facing is even too much for God.  But if we remember that God is bigger than anything we could ever face and He knew we would face it in eternity past, surely was can trust Him in the present.  We can also live a life of consistent joy if we choose to remember God’s deliverance more than we do our present troubles.  God has delivered.  God is delivering.  God will deliver.  Temptation of faith or failure doesn’t have to be overwhelming.  The God of deliverance is always there.  All we need to do is remember.

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