Sunday, April 3, 2022

The Joy Set Before

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Heb 12:2 AV)


Not enough is said of the glory and pleasures of heaven compared to the troubles we have in this life.  Of all those who had trouble in this life, there is no equal to our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ.  Sure, there have been plenty who have died horrible deaths of torture and pain.  But no creature has ever had to endure the wrath of God the Father for the entire sin debt of humanity.  Note here in particular that Jesus is the author and finisher.  This means, He is the one who thought up the means of redemption and also the one to accomplish it.  What a thought!  To think of the means of satisfying the wrath of God and those means where Himself only shows the depth of love He has for every individual.  Our phrase for consideration this morning is underlined above.  What was one of His exercises that brought to conclusion our redemption?  The joy that was set before Him.  He knew His sacrifice would result in millions of souls repenting and coming to Him.  He saw the joy of a populated heaven bought with His own blood.  He saw the pleasure His obedience would bring to the Father.  He saw ahead of time the results of His submission.  This joy is what kept Him on that cross.

Trials of faith or our walk of obedience do not come easy.  There are troubles associated with both.  There is the anxiety that naturally comes with trust.  There is persecution that comes with obedience.  There are losses along the way.  There are hardships that we must weather.  Many times, we wish we could throw in the towel.  Sometimes, we wish there was any way out.  What we have done is put out eyes in the wrong place.  Maybe we cannot see the joy of what will result from our endurance.  Perhaps we cannot see the fruit which comes from such a heavy price.  One object we can fix our attention upon is the LORD Jesus.  Note also that this gaze is not a one-time gaze.  It is a continuing process or action.  Looking, not look.  Our eyes cannot gaze upon the trouble around us.  They must be fixed on our example.  Our preoccupation cannot be on that which is causing us unrest.  We are to be preoccupied with the One who endured the greatest of all trouble.  We cannot be overwhelmed by that which has come upon us if we are fixed on our Savior who endured the worst.  This looking is not merely reading about His life and ministry.  This looking involves communication.  Prayer.  Looking unto Jesus means we follow His example while relying on His strength.  What a pity it is when we ignore the greatest source of strength for our troubles – the LORD Jesus Christ.

If we did not have the joy of eternity to look forward to, this life would be unbearable.  Without any hope of a perfect future, our present troubles would conquer us.  Jesus saw very easily what we struggle to realize.  He came from heaven.  He knew that to which He was going.  He was very familiar.  He created it.  The splendors were of His creation.  He left His Father above.  He knew what He was going to do.  We know.  We know by the eyes of faith.  We can see it.  It may be slightly obscured, but we see it.  We hear Paul and John tell us of the splendor of what awaits.  Most notably, the presence of our Father and our Savior.  We see it.  Joy unspeakable and full of glory.  The weight we bear may be heavy.  At times it brings us to our knees.  Sometimes, it is so overwhelming that we don’t think we can go another inch.  But just over the portal of temporality is our everlasting joy.  Our job?  To run our race well without giving up or quitting.  To look unto Jesus as our example and motivation.  To always look unto Jesus.  To never take our eyes off of Him.  To seek His face in prayer and ask Him to strengthen us as we take up our cross and follow Him.  There He is!  Can you see Him?  There He is, sitting upon His throne more brightly than any created illumine.  There He is, sitting upon His throne with His eyes cast on us, offering intercessions to the Father that we might cross the finish line to the praise and glory of His name!

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