Saturday, April 2, 2022

Prayer and Propagation

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” (1Ti 2:1-4 AV)


Note here that prayer for those in authority and the salvation of souls are related.  There is a relation between praying for our leaders and peace.  Which, putting them all together, if we pray for our leaders that they might be saved and they might be peaceable to believers, the result just might be that more souls are saved.  The power of prayer is often forgotten.  The necessity of prayer is definitely forgotten.  If we just understood what prayer could do, perhaps we would engage in it more often.  This relationship between prayer and the salvation of souls struck me rather powerfully this morning.  When our leaders are contrary to the cause of Christ, our first inclination is to resist.  We picket, preach, and protest.  That which we should do first is often neglected.  We do not think to pray.  There are enormous pressures on leaders.  I know.  I am one.  And if the pressure I feel is any indication of what our leaders endure, their pressure has to be insurmountable.  I pastor a very small church.  The pressure on me is a bit overwhelming at times.  I cannot even begin to imagine what it must be to lead a nation of over 300 million.  Our leaders need our prayers.  The pressure to do evil must be overwhelming.  To stand for godly principles must be near to impossible.  Prayer for our leadership can only benefit the cause of Christ.  Prayer can do no harm to the will of the Father.

Prayer is the missing ingredient in the pursuit of powerful Christian living.  The church is stagnant because its knees are smooth.  The church that makes an impact in its world is the church with calloused knees.  The souls of mankind go unreached because our vision goes no further than our front doors.  As our prayer life goes, so too does our vision.  If our prayers are non-existent, then so too will our concern for the souls of others.  Our minds are no further than our roofs.  Our spirits do not travel any further than a few feet in front.  Prayer goes beyond what can be seen.  Prayer is an extension of ones being into the infinite.  We converse with a God who is above all and in all.  We pour out our hearts for that which we have little hope to effect.  We place it at the feet of the One who can do all things.  Thus, our desire and vision go far beyond what we see and can influence.  This is why prayer is so important.  The more we pray the more we can see the impossible as possible.  The more we pray, the more we can see our leaders turning to Christ.  The more we pray specifically for those in authority, the more we believe they just may honor the right of self-determination and right of conscience.  The more we pray the more we can see the possibility they will enact legislation or rule in cases that overturn immoral laws.  The more we pray, the more of a possible revival of our sin-sick nation becomes possible.  One thing is for sure, the less we pray the far less likely revival becomes a reality.

The first of four things for which the child of God should pray every day is the coming of God’s kingdom and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.  This will on earth includes the conversion of the lost souls of mankind.  God desires all souls to come to Him.  He does not desire the damnation of anyone. Unfortunately, God gives each soul a will to accept or deny Christ.  But His heart is that all souls would come to Him.  Part of that process includes prayer.  Not just prayer in general, but prayer for all those in authority.  Politics should not matter.  Party affiliation should not be a consideration.  Whether someone supports ungodliness or is a devout believer should not dictate whether we pray for an individual in authority.  Even if they have mistreated the saints, they are still entitled to prayers.  God tells us through Paul to pray for all those in authority.  From Caesar to Pilate to Herod, they all need prayer.  Even those who ordered the death of Christ.  Even the emperor who cast Paul into prison.  They all need prayer.  Who knows, maybe if we pray as we should, the baptismal waters will stir as they once did.

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