Friday, May 21, 2021

The Time to Pray For Israel is Now

Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come.” (Ps 102:13 AV)


Israel has been in the news recently.  It seems it always is.  However, recently there has been an escalation of violence against her and anyone of Jewish descent.  Hamas is lobbing missiles into Israeli territory.  There have been numerous attacks on Jewish people in major cities throughout the world.  Just an aside, but one of the proofs to me that God is real and the Bible is authoritative is how the world treats the Jewish people.  They have been hated for thousands of years.  If the Bible were not true, then why hate the Jew?  If they are not God’s chosen people, what difference would it make if they existed?  The violence aimed at Israel is only evidence of their status before God and God’s promised favor upon them.  As we see above, the writer believes now is the time for God to show His favor towards His chosen people. It is always the time!  Time for God’s N.T. people to pray more earnestly for Israel.  We need to pray for her conversion to Christ.  We need to pray for God’s protection.  We need to pray for the peace of Israel, which is, the return of the Messiah to conquer all her enemies.

I know we are in trouble when there are evangelical Christians who do not back Israel.  Increasingly, those who call themselves Christians are waning in their support for God’s chosen people.  Granted, they rejected Christ and had a hand in His crucifixion. For that, the Bible tells us they will be judged.  But that is no reason to reject them.  Rome had a hand in it, too.  The Gentile world, represented by Rome was the government that killed Him.  We are equally culpable for the death of the Messiah.  Today’s modern and warped theological camps have chosen to believe God is done with Israel.  The only way to come to this conclusion if one does not read the Bible literally.  Major ‘Christian camps are supporting the fake plight of the Palestinian as if they were the original settlers of Canaan.  They were not nor are the descendants of those who Israel conquered.  Israel stands as the owner of Palestine because God gave it to them.  There need be no other reason.

Israel must suffer more.  It will endure the most severe persecution to date when they enter the seven-year tribulation.  A remnant will escape into the wilderness and they will be the seed from which Jesus repopulates the world.  They will be the heads of the twelve tribes who make it into the millennial reign with their Messiah promised through David.  Note also the writer tells us the time is set.  There is a date, sometime in the future, when Jesus will return and He will sit upon His throne showing favor and love to the Father’s chosen.  He will bless Israel and she will reign with Him for a thousand years.  Israel will be the administrative arm of the Messianic kingdom and apply God’s holy law to the inhabitants of the world.  This time is set.  This time is coming.  And we as the saints of God should be praying for it.

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