Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Huge Hearts Hasten Compliance

I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart.” (Ps 119:32 AV)


Of course, we know the theme of this psalm is the word of God and its many applications to the writer.  The psalm is written in 26 octets, each stressing a letter in the Hebrew alphabet.  The psalm was a primer for the writer’s children to learn the Hebrew language as well as the importance of the written word of God.  Time and again, the writer expresses his desire to live in the word of God.  He lists the benefits that come with living in the word of God.  Above, we see a very important principle.  The saint who desires to live according to the word of God cannot unless God enlarges the heart.  Note also the writer states he will run, and not walk, in the word of God.  This intimates the pace at which the writer sees himself committed to living in the word of God.  If the LORD does not enlarge his heart, then there can be no quick submission to the word of God.  So, the question is, what is this enlarging of the heart?  For this, we can go to another passage in which God gives to the son of this writer that very thing.

Upon Solomon’s request, the Bible tells us God gave Solomon enlargement of the heart.  “And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore.”  (1Ki 4:29)  Many commentators assume enlargement of the heart here means an understanding heart.  They propose the enlargement of the heart was the ability to understand mysteries obscured to other men.  However, this does not jive with the list of things named in the verse.  There is a distinction between wisdom and understanding.  The list then contains a third.  That is largeness of heart.  To understand this more, let us consider a definition of ‘heart’ as used in the Bible. “According to the Bible, the heart is the centre not only of spiritual activity, but of all the operations of human life” (Easton’s Bible Dictionary.  The word heart is used in conjunction with the mind, will, and emotions.  In some cases, it is used in the place of each.  With the understanding of our definition above, the heart can be that which gives life to the spiritual, as well as the physical, person.  Enlargement of the heart then would be desire, strength, and focus to attain what one should be attaining.  In this case, it is living in the word of God.  What we want to notice here is that David states he will run in the path of the commandments of God as God gives him enlargement of the heart.

The Bible also teaches us we have no natural desire to walk in the commandments of the word of God.  If we do walk therein, it only comes by the power of God.   Philippians chapter two, verse thirteen,  states, “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” We often fail because we rely on our own strength to succeed. David is putting the responsibility of his success on God.  He is saying that as God enables him, he will run in the path of the word of God.  One might celebrate this truth.  But there is great caution as well.  It is God’s desire we walk according to His word.  To put that responsibility on God and then assume if one fails, God has not enabled would be the gravest of errors.  If we are asking God, or as David did, promising God we will walk in His word as He enables us, that is exactly what He will do.  He provides the Spirit of God, the word of God, and the church as the means to enable us to walk within the word of God.  If we are failing, then we are not relying on the enlargement of the heart which He provides.  We are relying on our own strength.  Let us pray the LORD enlarges our heart that we might run in the ways of the word of God!

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