Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Praise the LORD for His 'Nevertheless'

There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand.” (Pr 19:21 AV)


There are a few applications to the truth above.  First, we must admit our minds and hearts imagine many possibilities.  That is what the devices here are.  They are possibilities and the means to accomplish those possibilities.  We imagine attaining eternally physical life.  All that stops us, so we think, is the right discovery from science.  The problem is, our mortality is not a scientific problem.  Our mortality is a spiritual problem.  It is sin that takes the body into the grave and unless mankind can live in sinless perfection, then no matter what new technology arrives, it will never lead to eternal life.  We can imagine time travel.  However, no amount of math or physics can undo an event.  Once an event has occurred, it is always in the past.  There is no undoing it.  We can imagine a society wherein all things are fair and just.  However, mankind is naturally wicked and for man to solve his own wickedness is impossible.  When it comes to our everyday lives, we also imagine possibilities.  A new career.  A new move.  A talent to explore and excel within.  Getting married to a certain person.  Buying our dream home.  Going on an extended vacation.  These things can be imagined. There is one word which we would like to deeply consider this morning.  That one word is ‘nevertheless’.

Last night, we were door-knocking.  Our call is to bring the love of Jesus to our neighbors and friends.  We do not naturally look for it because like Adam and Eve, our sin causes us to run from God rather than run to God.  Several homes we touched had mothers with children.  One such home had a Mom who was working on getting her toddler bathed, changed, and off to bed.  Needless to say, we didn’t monopolize her time amid this daunting challenge.  The thing with toddlers is they think they have more options than they actually have.  This young child may think he has the run of the house, but Mom has other plans.  He has the appearance of self-determination.  And that may be so in a very limited way.  But Mom is bigger, faster, and smarter.  She has a plan and that plan will come to pass.  This child may stall for a couple of more minutes of ‘freedom’, but that is only because Mom permits it to be so.  That child may have seen a mess of toys in the playroom, some snacks in the cupboard, or the dog to play with, nevertheless, he was getting a bath and going to bed!

There is another way to look at this, too.  The understanding of the verse is very plain.  We may imagine all sorts of possibilities, but the sovereign hand of God limits them.  We may have a certain ability of self-determination, but it is always limited to God’s perfect plan.  However, think about it this way.  If the above child was allowed to do whatever he wanted to do, whenever he wanted to do it, and however he wanted, just imagine how much harm he might get into.  He might eat some poison, play with an unfriendly dog, or collapse in complete exhaustion causing severe injury in the process.  As he grows, the possibilities become even more severely consequential.  With each possibility comes consequences.  A child unrestrained will grow up to be a monster that hurts himself and others.  Now, think of our verse.  Notice the juxtaposition between many and nevertheless.  This suggests the restrains God places on us are many.  They are equal to that which He has not willed.  This also suggests the confining will of God has protected us from unlimited and devastating harm that we cannot even begin to fathom the breadth of it.  Praise God for the ‘nevertheless’!  What grace and love our God has for His children!

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