Monday, November 20, 2017

Turn On The LIGHT!

“For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.” (Lu 2:30-32 AV)

A wonderful description of the ministry of Christ!  A light!  A light gives hope and direction.   A light illuminates the dark, ridding the soul of all fears.  A light gives warmth is a cold, dark, and foreboding world.  If the days or nights seem hopeless, a sole candle in the middle of the room gives an air of comfort.  Jesus is that light that lightens the Gentiles.

I was seventeen years old and the LORD turned my world upside down.  Moving away from all my friends and working more hours that a senior in high school should, I soon found myself confused and with no purpose in life.  Having attended three different high schools, it soon become awfully lonely.  With teachers and counselors pressuring me to come up with a plan for life, there was nothing on the horizon that gave any answers.  It was so bad, I was toying with ending it all.

Then a miracle happened.  Someone at work began to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.  At first, I rejected it because it went contrary to what I had always believed.  I had always believed it took effort on my part, good works so to speak, in order to go to heaven and have a relationship with God.  The Bible says something completely different.  After months of wrestling with what to do with Christ, the Holy Spirit was successful in convicting my heart and encouraging me to put all my trust and faith in Jesus Christ and Him alone!  Praise be to God.

Finally, there was a peace like I had never experienced before.  There was hope!  The LORD had as yet given me a direction and specific purpose in life, but with the communication lines now open, it would only be a matter of time until the LORD did so for me!  There was a light at the end of the tunnel.  Soon, the tunnel wouldn’t even exist!  He is that light!  Trust Him today!

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