Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Eye Hath Not Seen

And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:” (Re 1:17 AV)

To get the full impact of this statement, it would behoove us to recall certain facts of the past.  John the Apostle walked with Christ for 3.5 years.  He was named the disciple whom Jesus loved.  It was not uncommon to read of John sitting at the side of Christ as an intimate friend.  This same John would witness the transfigured Christ at the mount with Moses and Elijah.  He would see Jesus shine as bright as the morning sun.  This same John would see the resurrected Christ very early in the morning on the first day of the week.  He would see the resurrected Christ for 40 days following the resurrection and he would also see Jesus taken up into heaven.  John saw all these appearances of Christ, yet it was this one that moved him to almost die.  This speaks to the person and deity of the LORD Jesus Christ.  How different than the Jesus portrayed by the contemporary saint!

Years ago, I was obligated to attend a service at a contemporary church.  I fully expected the type of music which would eventually come across the sound system.  But something else happened that illustrates the flawed image which the contemporary saint has of the LORD Jesus Christ.  The artist meant well.  He was trying to minister to people who were hurting.  A contemporary song was playing over the sound system and a blank   canvass on an easel were uncovered.  A painter came out and over the length of a contemporary piece of music, he painted the laughing Jesus.  It is a rather well know piece which many have seen.  The problem with this image are multiple.  But the one that sticks in my mind is the image of our Savior which the carnal community wish to portray.  They emphasize the humanity of Christ to the exclusion of His divinity!  They make Him as common as they possibly can, ignoring that fact that Jesus is as much God as He was man.  They have this idea of high fiving Jesus or seeing Him as He was on earth when they meet in heaven.

However, the one disciple who was closest to him and knew him best fell flat on his face as one dead!  When John saw Jesus Christ, there was no laughing Jesus, high fives, bear hugs, or tattered old robes.  He is so transfigured that the closest person to him fell flat was one who was dead!  This is the Christ that we should seek to worship and know!  This is the Christ that is missing from our churches and pulpits.  This Christ is the Christ that will transform lives into righteousness and holiness!  This is the Christ that belongs front and center!  This is the Christ whom we will meet!

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