Friday, November 24, 2017

No Celebrities at Calvary

“Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we [him] no more.” (2Co 5:16 AV)

The context here is the ambassadorship of every believer to the lost around them.  Paul is saying he no longer sees men as he once did.  He does not know them after the manner of flesh, but rather, as they all are – lost souls in need of Christ.  He no longer interacts with men as society would demand.  He respects men for their position’s sake, but he does not idolize them or revere them to the point of being unable to witness to them.  Just as he can no longer consider the LORD Jesus in the manner in which he knew him – in the flesh – he can no longer see others as he once saw them.  Jesus Christ is not glorified.  He no longer retains the limit human body He once inhabited.  Paul can no longer know Jesus Christ after the flesh.  But as He is – the King of kings and LORD of lords – the only wise potentate!

It is interesting what happens when the saint walks with God.  We are not all that impressed with the fame of man.  Years ago, my sons and I caddied at an exclusive golf club.  In doing so, we had the privilege of meeting and working for some very well-known golfers.  Luke Donald, Phil Mickelson, Jim Lovell, and a retired Chicago Bears football player were the most well-known.  There were others.  A part owner of the Cleveland Browns, a top executive with CBS, and enough multi-millionaires to shake a stick at.  However, the longer one caddies for these men, the more one realizes they are not all that much different than anyone else.  They are still a soul for whom Christ died.

I don’t know if the LORD was able to use me to reach any of them.  Yet, one thing I always mentioned.  When they asked of my family and occupation, I readily told them I was a bi-vocational Baptist pastor who worked with folks in the inner-city.  It gave an open door to witness to them.  Who knows what the LORD did with the few years at the club?  One thing is for sure, we can no longer know men after the flesh.  After the spirit, yes.  After the flesh, no.

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