Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Throwing Back the Life Line

“Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward.” (Heb 10:35 AV)

A very interesting phrase. “Cast not away therefore…”  In other words, the confidence was there at one point.  But, it has been cast away.  Paul is speaking to the nation of Israel and in particular, the LORD Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of the promises to Abraham.  The confidence of which he speaks is the confidence and hope in the coming of their Messiah.  If they reject Christ, they have cast away their confidence which that have had for almost 2,000 years.  That promise which was the foundation of their endurance and there they are, at the precipice of rejecting it all.  It is quite silly and illogical.  When we place our hope in a thing and when that thing comes, we lack the faith that we had all along.  How silly.

It reminds me of a fella who was stuck in his home in the middle of a flood.  As the storm waters rose he went to the second floor of his home.  He dialed 911 for help and they told him they would be there as soon as they could.  Losing all hope, he began to pray.  “Father, if you get me out of this I promise I will walk more faithfully with Thee!  I truly have faith that You will come for me!”  Soon afterwards, he heard a voice from a bullhorn.  “Jump from the bedroom window and we will catch you and carry you to safety” came a voice from a military vehicle. “That’s ok, I am waiting for the LORD to save me”, was the reply.  A bit latter, there was a rap on the bedroom window.  Looking out, he saw men in a boat.  The same offer was made and the same response given.  Water still rising, he was forced to ascend to the rooftop.  Along comes a helicopter.  “grab the harness and we will pull you to safety” “No thank you, I am waiting for the LORD to save me.” Soon after, the man perished is the flood waters.  When he met the LORD he asked, “Father, I prayed earnestly for you to save me.  Why didn’t you come?”  To which the LORD said, “What do you think the truck, boat, and helicopter were?”

We pray for the LORD to answer and order our lives as though He will, but when He does, we lack the faith to accept it.  How ironic.

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