Monday, October 23, 2017

Just The Opposite

“For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. In that he saith, A new [covenant], he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old [is] ready to vanish away.” (Heb 8:12-13 AV)

Chapter eight is awesome.  Paul begins to make the summation that grace is better than law.  But even more than that, God decided to show grace to the sinner while satisfying His wrath on Christ.  This chapter really moved me because Paul very adequately argues for the failure of the law.  Or rather, the failure of Israel to follow the law.  He lays the foundation that law was given as a means to solidify the promise made to Abraham.  Law is not a bad thing.  Law is a good thing.  The promise was made to Abraham of a nation and land that would live to please the LORD and by doing so, would be blessed above all nations.  The law was not given merely to control a people.  It was the means by which the promise could be practically applied.  We don’t understand that.  We think law is a bad thing.  We don’t like to be told what to do.  That is not the intent of the law.  Anyway, I digress.  The point Paul, and more specifically the LORD, is making here is that Israel could not, nor would not, keep the law even though it was for their own good.  So, rather than satisfy His wrath upon them, He satisfied it upon Christ and gave the covenant of grace to mankind!  Oh, what grace!

That phrase above is exactly the opposite of what we deserve.  Rather than taking vengeance on our unrighteousness (which He has every right to do), He is merciful upon it!  This is too wonderful for me!  This is too great for the mind!  How God can have mercy when He should have judgment, I cannot comprehend.  What grace!  What mercy!

It makes our sin all the more sinful!  Knowing that God will show grace, we sin anyway.  It is awfully humbling to know that God’s mercy is never ending.  It is always available to those who will repent and turn.  What love!  What mercy!  What grace!

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