Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Always Remember that You Are Loved

“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” (Ga 2:20 AV)

It is easy to forget that when Christ went to that Cross, He loved me.  He loved me as though I was the only one for which He died, even though He loved all.  This is something we cannot fully comprehend.  How God can love us infinitely even though there are others whom He equally loves is beyond the ability of a human relationship.  We cannot fathom it.  We cannot understand it.  Yet, He loved me when He died for me!

As every parent knows, we love our children and grandchildren equally.  We love them for who and what they are!  We think we love them as God loves them, but that is impossible.  We cannot completely and wholly love them as though there were an only child or an only grandchild.  In fact, we have to remind ourselves (albeit not too often) that we are not to have favorites.  Even though our children or grandchildren may think we have favorites, we really do not.  We love them all, individually, and completely.  However, unlike the LORD, we are limited.  We only have so much emotional capital to invest.  We only have so much strength we can spend.  This human limitation hinders us from loving one child as though he is the only child.  When it comes to the LORD, He has no limitations.

I know what it is like to have to share my father’s affection with siblings.  Growing up in a house of 11 children, there was no possibility of being loved like an only child!  Yet, my father made a great effort in making us feel he loved us as an individual.  It couldn’t happen very often.  But the one-on-one times I had with my father were, and still are, priceless.  With God, it happens each and every time I pray and read the scriptures.  It was also the basis of Christ surrendering to the cross!  He loved me!

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