Sunday, June 23, 2024

Here He Comes!

“Now will I rise, saith the LORD; now will I be exalted; now will I lift up myself.” (Isa 33:10 AV)

You can bank on it!  All that we see belongs to God!  He made it all!  He has every right to do with it as He pleases.  There isn’t a creature that exists who has any rights contrary to His perfect will.  It matters not that mankind rails against the Creator!  They can do and say anything they please.  It doesn’t change a thing.  They cannot legislate God out of existence.  They cannot disbelieve God out of being.  They cannot educate themselves from under the sovereign hand of God.  They cannot hide.  They cannot flee.  They cannot create their own reality wherein God does not exist.  God is above all, in all, and through all.  He will determine the times and bounds of mankind.  They are subject to His commands and even though the ability to be self-determined may give the illusion of complete sovereignty from Almighty God; it is still only an illusion.  Mankind may have freedom of choice.  But they will never have freedom from consequences.  It may appear as though mankind has complete dominance over its own destiny. This is also an illusion.  The LORD will allow mankind the freedom to hang itself.  But the hangman’s platform is already built and if they reject His mercy and grace, there is a date set for judgment.  Whether creation accepts it or not, there will come a day when every creature gives glory to God and His Son, Jesus Christ!  Bar none, there will be a universal cry of God’s glory and majesty of both friend and foe of the Divine Creator!

The statement above is pure God!  He needs no one to lift Him up.  He needs nothing to collaborate with His majesty.  When an earthly king is exalted, he does so with the assistance of his army, government, and people.  If they are not with him, he might as well be a pauper.  His majesty resides in the support of those who follow.  Not so with God!  He needs no one or nothing.  He is LORD God Jehovah.  He is self-sufficient and self-sustaining.  Unlike the Greek and Roman systems of gods, there is no other God but God.  There is no support structure that grants Jehovah the greatest among many.  God is God and needs none else.  The definitive nature of the statement is also excellent.  He will be exalted.  He needs no vote.  He needs no agreement from those whom He has created.  He does not need a parade.  He does not need an independent declaration.  He will be exalted and all that He has created will have no choice.  Or, better yet, they will willingly praise and worship God, regardless of their previous feelings.  He will be exalted.  There is no dispute.  There is no counterargument.  The only argument ever offered didn’t come close to challenging God’s rightful place.  The five ‘I wills’ of Satan were the closest anyone came to stealing God’s glory.  And it wasn’t even close!  No one; not a single soul lost or saved will disrespect God.  All will honor Him!  All will exalt Him.

This honor extends to the Son as well.  Listen to Paul’s words, “Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of [things] in heaven, and [things] in earth, and [things] under the earth; And [that] every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ [is] Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Php 2:9-11 AV)  Our beloved Apostle is very specific here.  Not just things in heaven.  Things that are living and things that have died.  Everyone!  Saved, lost, or as yet to be determined will fall down on their knees have give glory to the Savior.  The Son will be exalted.  The LORD Jesus Christ will rule and reign.  No congress.  No White House.  No United Nations, WHO, or any other human body need apply.  He doesn’t need you.  You will all be laid off.  You’ll have to take up farming.  Sell the suit for a pair of coveralls.  He doesn’t need you.  The Son will be exalted in all the earth and the wickedness we suffer with will be done and over.  No more rebellious and corrupt self-interest groups.  No more perversion.  No more hatred for those who love God.  No more prisons for those who preach the truth.  No more executions for those who name the name of Christ!  He will be exalted in all the earth and there isn’t one thing mankind can do about it!  Praise be to LORD GOD ALMIGTY!

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