Monday, August 14, 2023

Reciprocal Mercy

“Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.” (Lu 6:36 AV)

That is a high standard. But a standard nonetheless.  How can one come close to what God has done for us?  He sent His Son upon who He exercised all His wrath for sin which He did not commit.  The Father inflicted on His Son all that was due us and then upon our faith in Jesus as our Savior, forgave all our sins.  He did this while we were sworn enemies of His.  He commanded His Son to suffer the full consequence of our enmity against Him that He might forgive us for it all.  The is no greater mercy than a man laying down his life for his enemy.  This standard of mercy is the mercy He requires from us.  In fact, in several passages, it is specifically because He has shown mercy that we are obligated to do the same toward others.

Many years ago, a Senior Pastor wished to test the spirit and love of his Associate.  It was their regular pattern to get coffee at the local coffee chain once a week.  Sometimes it was more than once a week, but they went at least once a week.  Whenever they went, the pastor would always treat the associate to a coffee.  After all, it was his obligation.  Also, he enjoyed doing it.  He wanted to show appreciation for his associate.  Over the next few years, as part of the associate’s pay package, the pastor would give him cash out of the petty cash fund.  As everyone does, he had to collect receipts equal to the amount he spent on his expenses.  They included fuel, dry-cleaning, meals, and other professional expenses.  A few months went by and another expense was covered.  The pastor gave him a small allowance for entertainment purposes.  However, he did not require a receipt for this allowance.  What he wanted to see is if his associate would use what was given to him to treat volunteers or perspective saints to a coffee from time to time just as he had done for him.  Before you ask the question, a pastor knows!  He knows more of what goes on in the lives and behavior of his people than they realize.  He doesn’t have spies.  He doesn’t need them.  All he needs to know is evident on the face of those with whom he has to do.  The pastor wanted to see if his associate was as gracious with others as he had been with him.

The LORD expects us to show the same mercy to others which He has shown toward us.  Nothing would please our Father more than to see His children as gracious and merciful.  Not just toward those whom they appreciate; such as other believers.  But more so, toward those who do not know him.  Yesterday, a lady who comes to church told me of an opportunity God gave to her to share the love of Christ.  She went to the county courthouse to witness to someone who she had never met.  She read of his situation.  He had committed murder during a drug deal.  She had his mug shot.  She went there specifically to share the love of Christ with him.  He didn’t know her and she had never met him.  Now that is mercy!  All God asks is that which we have freely received, we must freely give.  Again, not hard to understand.  But sometimes it seems impossible to do.

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