Sunday, August 6, 2023

Go Thy Way

Take that thine is, and go thy way: I will give unto this last, even as unto thee.” (Mt 20:14 AV)


This is from the parable of the day laborers.  As a reminder, the owner and husbandman of the field went to the marketplace several times and at different times of the day to hire laborers for his field.  This meant of the varied groups that were hired, some worked longer hours than others.  Out of the generosity of his heart, the master paid all the laborers the same, regardless of how long they worked. Those that labored the longest complained they were paid the same as those who worked but a short while.  The above verse is the master’s response.  The point was, opportunity mattered more than effort exerted.  In other words, it was not the fault of the last crew they were hired last.  They were at the marketplace all day long and remained, knowing they would only work for an hour.  Their dedication to work was shown in their availability and patience just as much as those who worked from the first hour.   I understand this principle having worked as a caddie for a few summers.  The rate of a loop was the same.  But me and the boys sat almost the entire day before we got a loop.  Being there meant we were willing to work and we got paid the same as those who went out first thing in the morning.  But I want to consider that first phrase.  It is a subtle rebuke to those who earned a day's wage to be grateful for what they have and not complain about what they don’t have.

The first four words are really profound.  We have what we have because God has determined it to be so.  Envy has no place in the life of the saint.  What I have is what I have because God said so.  There is no use in complaining.  What He has chosen to give to others is none of my business.  What He has chosen to give He has chosen to give.  Remember, there were those in the marketplace who walked away without getting hired at all.  God is good.  He is good all the time.  This reminds me of Solomon’s words, “Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me: Lest I be full, and deny [thee], and say, Who [is] the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God [in vain].” (Pr 30:8-9 AV)  This isn’t the first time the LORD has told us to go our way.  The other time was a few weeks back when there was potential trouble or trial and the subject was told to go his way.  In other words, regardless of the situation, we are not to linger and contemplate.  We are to continue on and live for the glory of God regardless of what life happens to bring our way.  It doesn’t matter.  If God is in control of it all, then we have to trust He knows what He is doing.  We have to trust the life we have is the life He knows we need and that the things He allows or doesn’t allow are for our own good.  Furthermore, if we have a way we should be going, then that way is part of God’s sovereign and eternal plan.  Regardless of how significant or insignificant we might think our part is, it is all part of a masterfully designed plan that will all work itself out to the glory of God the Father!

If we obsess over God’s plan, we will remain idle.  The workers who were paid last remained at the table expecting more.  When they did not, they stayed and complained.  They did not go their way.  One wonders if the master hired them the next day.  If they were so obsessed with payment made to others, bitterness may continue into the next day, and whatever labor they provided may not be their best.  I know I wouldn’t hire them.  Besides, what would their attitude be towards those who worked only one hour?  Contentment with godliness is a great gain.  Being content in God’s grace is manifested by going our way.  Accepting what God has for us regardless of what He has for others is the point.  If we go our way and continue to labor the next day equally hard and with the right attitude shows we understand God’s grace.  May we go our way and come back tomorrow.

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