Friday, July 22, 2022

Stability On A Rough Path

Hold up my goings in thy paths, that my footsteps slip not.” (Ps 17:5 AV)

The writer is assumed to be walking in the paths of God.  Otherwise, he would have used the word ‘order’ rather than the phrase ‘hold up’.  Which begs a question.  Does this mean the path of the LORD can be slippery?  Does this mean that following the path of God does have inherent risks which would require Him to hold us up?  If so, why?  What would be the purpose of putting us on a path that could be hazardous if not for His divine hand to hold us from falling?  It appears David believed he was in the will of God and asked Him for an examination of his heart and actions.  He petitioned the LORD for a clear conscience and relief from his enemies.  He further sought intercession that the truth of the situation might be made known.  It might be this psalm was written regarding Saul’s actions against him.  David was in the path of the LORD.  He was living in obedience to his word.  He believed in God regarding His promise of a throne.  Yet, on that path, there was potential for personal failure.  David is asking the LORD to sustain him while he walks in obedience and faith.

I have spent my share of time in the snow-covered woods.  In certain terrain, choices matter immensely.  One might have to ascend or descend.  Not the easiest of tasks.  Or, there may be a frozen body of water one might have to traverse.  There may be rock faces, loose shall, or really thick thorn biers.  There are many hazards one encounters while trekking through the woods and some of them may be life-threatening.  Assistance is needed in many of these instances.  The walking stick has more purposes than what meets the eye.  It is used for balance.  It is used to clear a path or uncover obscured dangers.  It can even be used as a deterrent to those wild animals that would do the hiker harm.  There are natural helps left there if one knows how to look.  When getting from point A to point B, there is generally only one direction one can take.  There is no smooth and trouble-free way to get to where one wants to go.  There will always be hazards.  That is life.  I was watching a wilderness show and a husband and wife were trying to climb a very steep ravine with snow on the ground.  Their feet were slipping and they could get a grip to climb.  If they lost their footing, they could very easily tumble to the bottom and break a few bones in the process.  Maybe even their necks.  What they failed to do was to use what was around them.  There were saplings within arm's reach.  There was only one way to their homestead and they had to cross this ravine.

God’s paths have risks.  That is why faith is required.  Faith that His way is the best way and faith that He will strengthen us to journey through the paths which He has carved out.  The Psalmist is correct here.  He is not asking the LORD to order his steps in the paths of God.  That is actually seen in other places.  He is asking the LORD to bear him up as he walks this path of persecution, doubt, fear, battles, marital problems, health issues, etc.  I equate those saplings to verses in the word of God.  They are within arm’s reach, pliable to our current situation, and the root system is so strong it can bear our weight as we climb.  The staff is the rod of God.  His presence goes with me no matter where I go.  It does not change.  The staff always remains the same.  It, too, can bear my weight, reveal threats, and chase away danger.  The Holy Spirit is the compass I hold in my hand.  No matter what my instincts may tell me, that compass will always point the direction home.  It comforts me as my guide to safety.  I know it can never mislead.  It is, and always will be, true.  So, we cannot avoid treacherous obstacles in the path of life.  What we can do is pray the LORD would uphold us by His free grace and enable us to journey through without fear or failure.

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