Sunday, July 24, 2022

Grace Is Still Available

Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.” (Ro 5:1-2 AV)

Grace did not stop at Calvary. The grace that saved us from our sin is the same grace that is present in each of our troubles. This is why Paul could say that he glories in tribulation.  He can only do that if grace abounds.  This grace is limitless.  This grace is available through faith. All we need to do is believe the LORD will carry us through and He will!  This same grace that made salvation a miracle is the grace that will empower us to endure anything the LORD has for us.  Paul went through much.  He suffered unspeakable troubles.  He suffered for his service to the LORD and he suffered for his choices is not following the LORD. But through it all, the grace of God sustained him.  He was able to serve the LORD effectively even in deep trials of faith and persecution.  It was the grace of God that made it possible.  The same grace we have today.

Imagine a patient who was injured and could not walk.  This individual goes to therapy and works with a healthcare professional to regain strength in his legs.  The first thing they do is have this patient work his legs with weights.  A bit of resistance to build strength. The day comes when he has to put weight on them.  Two therapists are there to help him stand and rest his weight on the parallel bars.  He cannot stand on his own.  He needs help and guidance.  On the first day, all they have him do is stand.  He stands for a few minutes and then sits back in his wheelchair.  They do this for about a week.  Each time, he stands with the assistance of his staff.  Then comes the time to take some steps. With each step, there is a therapist on each side. He has parallel bars to support his weight and help him stay balanced.  If there is any trouble, his therapists are there to rescue him.  Once he can walk to the end of the parallel bars and back, he graduates to walk inside the parallel bars without resting his weight on them.  Again, his two therapists are always by his side just in case.  They now move him to the hallway where is walks with a walker or cane.  There is always something there to help him stand.  Weeks later, he is on a treadmill.  With handlebars to each side and an emergency stop button, there is never a time when he is completely on his own.  Step by step, day by day, week by week, he walks.  There is always someone or something there to be a support if he would so need it.  This support may take different forms.  Where once he needed parallel bars, all he needs now is a railing or wall.  But the help is always there.  Just as it was in the beginning, it will be there all the way.

This is the grace of God! It never went away.  It never diminished.  It takes different forms.  And even multiple forms all at the same time.  The word of God here.  A dear saint there.  Some prayer.  Some mediation.  Assistance from a caring professional.  A pastor’s touch.  They are all a manifestation of God’s grace.  The greatest of these is the presence of God in the person of the Holy Spirit.   He indwells us and comforts us in our darkest hour.  We may not even notice the provision of the grace of God as He supplies it.  It may completely escape our notice. We will look back on our trial and wonder how we ever survived.  It was the grace of God.  The grace that saved you is the same grace that will keep you.  Faith is the key.  Believe that God will provide and He will.  The alternative is to weather our storms by our own strength and in this, we will fail.  Trust in the grace of God.  It is always there.

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