Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Unopened Treasures

And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” (Mt 21:22 AV)

 What a statement!  If we only understood the power which resides in prayer!  Prayer is the most underutilized of all sacred disciplines.  We read our Bibles.  We go to church.  We even teach and preach.  But how much do we pray?  Do we really dedicate ourselves to intense prayer?  Do we really believe God can do what we dream?  Do we pray, expecting God to do the impossible?  Now, we know this promise is not unconditional.  We know that if we ask for something contrary to the will of God, we will not receive it.  If we seek God’s intervention while living in unconfessed and unrejected sin, the LORD will not hear us.  We know that just because we have for something does not obligate the LORD to give us that for which we ask.  All that being said, the promise above is still a remarkable one.  One wonders how much goes undone because someone did not pray.

To study human nature, a study was done on how people react to something offered free versus the same offered for a discount price.  The study group decided on a rather inexpensive item.  They here selling pencils.  Or, trying to give them away.  The first booth was set up and a sign was posted.  “On Sale – Incredible Price.  Buy five and get ten free.”  This booth was set up at one end of the fairgrounds.  On the other side was another boot that said, “Totally free pencils inside – no strings attached - inquire within.”  The first booth required no humble request.  It was a matter of business.  The other required the customer to come into the booth and ask for free pencils.  As the week carried on, an interesting result developed.  Over a week’s time, the vast majority of those who wanted pencils entered the first booth and paid for pencils whereas few entered the booth giving them away for free.  The vast majority would rather spend money and attain something in their own effort than be humbled to ask for something that would cost them nothing.

This is where we are failing.  Prayer requires humility.  Prayer requires we admit there is nothing we can do to attain that which we seek.  Prayer means God is in control.  Prayer suggests the only way we will see what needs to be is to go to God alone.  It is this lack of humility that keeps us from falling upon our faces so that the grace of God might shine upon us.  If we just understood how much God wants to do for us and through us if we were to just ask, we would spend many hours on our knees.  If we could simply roll back the curtain of heaven and see what the LORD had for us if we would just ask, our prayer life would be revolutionized.  The promise above is a challenge.  It is a challenge to the saints to commit to prayer that their world might be changed.  Prayer is the key to seeing God work as He did in the past.  Prayer is the active role we play in the divine purpose and plan of God.  Prayer must be that which we do not neglect.  To do so is like throwing treasures in the dumpster.  Prayer is necessary!  Prayer is commanded!  Prayer is encouraged!  Prayer is that which changes all.

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