Thursday, June 30, 2022

A Physician Who Always Cares

When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” (Mr 2:17 AV)


I know this verse is in the context of being sin-sick and not physically sick, but I cannot help but see the compassion of Christ towards those who are ill.  This verse does not promise that no matter our physical trials, Jesus will automatically heal us.  We know this is not the case because unless the rapture happens, we will all eventually die.  Many have been disappointed when applying this verse to disease and wonder why the LORD did not remove all signs of their condition.  They wonder why the Great Physician did not make them whole.  The verse above is for those who are lost in their sin and have no hope in this world.  If they turn to Him, they are guaranteed spiritual health and eternal life.  I have done that forty years ago.  I am saved and on my way to heaven.  What stuck out to me this morning is our Physician’s heart.  He may not solve our physical troubles to our liking, but that does not mean He lacks compassion.  And physician worth his weight in salt cares for his patients and never allows the condition of his or her patient to callous his or her heart towards the person before them.  Even though they may not be able to bring complete relief, they still care.  That is what I see above.

Recently, we have been introduced to health care to a level we have never experienced before.  Such is the case for those who are aging.  As our bodies degrade, attention to our health becomes more of major concern.  We are slowly inching towards that age bracket where our weeks, rather than years, are taken up with appointments regarding our healthcare.  What I have noticed about our health network is their compassion for the individual.  They take particular interest in the patient as a person.  This was so true just the other day.  We sat in an office and spoke to a couple of healthcare workers assigned to us as our healthcare team.  This is in a department that often results in palliative care.  Working with such patients, one might be tempted to see one’s profession as merely clinical.  Emotional attachment to a patient may not occur.  Not in our case.  The ladies and staff that took care of us were awesome.  There was one worker whose job it was to canvass those waiting and see to their every need.  She offered coffee and other drinks upon request.  If there was anything else she could do for us, she tried her best.  Compassion goes a long way in the healing process.  Medicine has its place.  Treatments can only do so much.  Compassion is the encouragement to endure through difficult times.

This truth is what really spoke to me.  We have a great Physician.  We wouldn’t be so presumptuous to believe we would physically be cured of everything that ails us.  We wouldn’t assume we could live forever.  This does not mean that Jesus doesn’t care about what we face.  He does.  Part of the Physician’s practice is to empathize.  Jesus can in human flesh that, in part, He might experience the human condition.  He felt what we feel.  He suffered pain and anguish.  He suffered a painful death.  Jesus knows what it is like to suffer as we have or will suffer.  Because of this, Jesus cares!  He knows what our future is and also understands what our present is like.  Our Physician sits by our bedside, holding our hand, and comforting us in our trials.  Our Physician doesn’t have rounds.  He is always present.  He doesn’t go home at night.  He is there during the deepest and darkest of nights.  He doesn’t go on vacation.  He is always on duty.  Our wonderful Physician is a comfort to those who are ailing and if we are suffering from sin sickness, He is the only one with the cure.  Ready to carry us through, our Physician weeps when we weep.  He hurts when we hurt.  He holds us tight to Himself and tells us we will be alright.  His knowledge often makes up the difference for our weak faith.  There He is, in His glistering white garment, tending to our emotional and spiritual well-being even if our bodies may fail us.

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