Saturday, March 19, 2022

What He Starts, He Will Finish

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:” (Php 1:6 AV)


What a verse!  This is a verse that all who struggle for victory in life cling to in times of failure!  A promise from the Apostle that Jesus we complete what He started is a promise that gets us out of the mire, cleaned off, and back on the road to righteousness.  This is a promise for those who are subject to a barrage of attacks of the flesh who simply cannot repel all temptations.  We falter.  We fail.  We disappoint our wonderful and loving Father because the flesh is simply too strong for us.  We go into depression and see no point in battling an enemy that seems unconquerable.  This only makes us go down the road of failure further and faster.  But this Paul gives us this word of encouragement.  Even though we may give up on ourselves, Jesus never does!

I know I have used this example before, but it is a good reminder of the principle above.  After my shoulder surgery, the physical therapist and I sat down and she conducted an interview.  She used huge protractors to measure my range of movement after surgery.  She used other measuring tools to get a baseline on my mobility and elasticity.  Then she conducted an extensive interview with many lifestyle questions and goals.  She asked me about my past level of physical exercise and what I might have used my shoulder to accomplish.  Bowhunting was one.  Golf was another.  She asked at what level of restoration I would be happy with.  She asked what my tolerance level was to pain, how dedicated I felt I might be to rehab, and the length of commitment I might feel I would be willing to make.  She stated it was possible to get full mobility and dexterity if I would be willing to put in the time and effort.  In other words, she promised as long as I followed their recommendations, did my exercises at home, and stayed with it, I would gain my shoulder back better than it ever was before.  So, I committed to therapy.  I did my exercises at home religiously.  I took the time necessary and did not reinjure the shoulder.  Over time, the therapist was right.  It took around a year but I had gained all my mobility and most of the strength lost to injury.  Today, my shoulder is as good as new.  The thing about physical therapists is they push you beyond what you think you are capable of accomplishing.  “Just one more time” or “A little bit further” or “Don’t give up, you can do it” are frequent words heard from these special people.  They know the pain we endure now will result in liberty down the road.

The same is true of Jesus.  He will not give up on us even though we give up on ourselves.  We condemn ourselves for our lack of discipline or lapse in judgment.  Oft times for the same thing over and again.  Like Paul in Romans chapter seven, we go down the same roads of failure time and again.  Our hope, however, is not in ourselves.  Our hope is in Jesus Christ.  Our hope is in a Savior who loves us and will see to it that we are turned into His likeness no matter what that might mean.  He starts the process in this life and finishes at our death.  Christlikeness is a promise found in Romans chapter eight.  We can count on it.  He will never give up!  There isn’t anything we could do that will discourage our Savior from continuing His work of sanctification.  He will wash us off by His word.  He will empower, convict us, teach us, and remind us by the ministry of His Spirit.  What He has begun, He will finish.  You can bank on it!

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