Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Untapped Power

That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness;” (Col 1:10-11 AV)


Doesn’t that phrase just blow your mind?  Do you mean to tell us, Paul, that if we wish to walk worthy of the LORD so as to please Him in all things, that He will strengthen us with all might to accomplish that which He and We mutually desire?  This is exactly what Paul is saying.  All of the might is all of the might that an omnipotent God possesses and the amount of might we need in which to do as we should.  Paul’s prayer here for the saints of Colossae is that they might be strengthened by all the might necessary from a God who possesses all might that they might be what they should be and desire to be for their LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ.  What a wonderful thought!  If we desire to live for God, no weakness can hinder it.  If we desire to serve God, there is no shortness of endurance that would stop us.  Whatever it is that God asks of us, He also provides for.  Praise the LORD!

Throughout the word of God, our Father has asked of many that which they could not accomplish on their own.  From Samson who slew thousands with the jawbone of an ass to David who faced down Goliath, God asks of those who profess faith in Him to rely upon Him to do the impossible.  As Paul took charge of a ship whose end was destruction, saving all souls aboard, God is waiting for those who will cease to rely on their own judgment and means and depend solely on Him.  As Daniel slept soundly surrounded by a pride of ferocious beasts, God is ready to meet us where we are and provide all might to overcome.  Like Joshua, faced with a formidable enemy and an illogical battle plan, God peers over the portals of heaven in search of those who will follow and do, not doubting or going back on His leadership.  Even Gideon, as frightened as he was, chose to trust the LORD and place the battle in His hands rather than his own.  Hebrews chapter eleven is filled with courageous saints who faced difficult circumstances choosing to rely on the strength of God’s might and prove Him faithful.  It was the strength of God’s might that brought forth a son for Abraham and Sarah when they could not produce one on their own.  It was the strength of God’s might that destroyed an advancing army at a sea once parted.  It was the strength of God and the power of His might that brought forth a son, born of a virgin, who died for our sins and which could not be kept in a grave!

Our enemies are only as strong as our doubt in God’s might, allows.  If we live a life of defeat, it is only because we have not prayed in faith for the strength of the power of all His might.  If we cannot conquer our flesh, the world, or the devil, it is the lack of God’s strength and the power of His might which we have neither sought nor asked for which brings defeat.  Imagine, a scrawny little boy who constantly is bullied is offered the protection of his elder brother, the bodybuilder.  Off they go to the playground and his elder brother sits under a shade tree taking a nap.  Along comes the neighborhood gang and begins to pick on this scrawny little guy.  Because of his pride, he tries to handle it on his own.  He fails miserably.  After the scrap is over, this little lad awakens his elder brother so they might go to the hospital.  This little guy needs stitches, a cast, and bandages galore.  His elder brother looks at him confused and disappointed.  Why wasn’t he awakened?  Why didn’t he ask for help?  This is what we do when faced with the challenges of life.  God is omnipotent.  There is nothing we will ever face which He cannot handle.  Yet, there He sits, completely unused as we complain about our life’s defeats.  How foolish.  Time to awaken our Big Brother and Champion of our faith.  He is the first, and not the last, source of strength upon which we should lean.

Prayer:  Father, You are so right.  I have been trying to fight this fight all on my own.  Please, forgive me.  It has to start with Philippians.  Please, Father, give me to will to fight back.  Give me the will to walk in disobedience.  Give me the will to walk worthy.  After that, by the way of the ministry of the Holy Spirit, enable me to live in victory.  It is the only way.

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