Friday, September 11, 2020

Just A Matter of Doing Right

The righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way: but the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness.” (Pr 11:5 AV)

We live in the age of emotionalism and mysticism.  All one has to do is look outside his window and see how the nation and world are reacting to see that emotionalism rules the day.  Facts and reason are thrown out in favor of emotional manipulation.  There is no honest representation of the facts.  When it comes to mysticism, it is the end result of discarding generations of faith.  Mysticism is the child of human reason.  Human reason dismantles absolutes taken by faith and makes all things subject to the reason of an individual’s mind.  Once the construct of absolutes is dismantled, then feelings or mysticism is all one has left.  This is why a good number of saints have a hard time discerning the will of God for their lives.  They are looking for some supernatural experience to open to them the direction in which they should go.  Discernment is completely lost.  We cannot observe and compare to the word of God.  We are lost.  Solomon says that if we continue in righteousness our way will be directed.  In other words, the will of God is no more complicated than a life that habitually lives after righteousness.

When we were kids, our family camping trips were experienced on a sixty-six-acre tree farm.  It was an old potato farm that was returned to the wild.  My father planted about two or three acres of pine trees.  The rest were hardwoods.  One of the traditions we carried over from scout camp was to make well-marked trails.  They had somewhat of a purpose behind them.  There was the trial that circumvented the entire property.  There was the trail that went from the lower campsite to the upper campsite.  There was the trail that went from the lower campsite to the pond and had a view of the damn.  There was the pine tree trail that cut through the spruce patch.  I am sure I am forgetting a few more.  The purpose of these trials was to give us a different experience, but also to go from point A to point B without getting lost.  This didn’t always happen.  My sister and I started out on the yellow trail.  This was the one that went from the upper campsite to the lower campsite via the damn.  We started out just fine.  However, game trials became more interesting.  We figured as long as we kept the trails markers in sight, we could always return to the trail and know were we are.  On this particular outing, there was something of interest that drew us off the trail.  Probably a decade's old pile of rubbish or an old stone wall or a crab apple tree that would afford a sweet treat.  Anyway, it wasn’t before too long that we got turned around and completely lost.  We screamed for my father and he found us.  If we would have done the right thing and followed my father’s rules, we would always be in the right place at the right time.

I have been guilty of using the word of God as another form of Ouija board.  For those unfamiliar with them, that is a good thing.  Stay away from them.  They are satanic.  Especially in my younger spiritual life, I did the old ‘open the bible to and arbitrary chapter, close the eyes and point, and the verse one’s finger rested upon was the will of God’ thing.  Over time, and with decades of service to the LORD’s work, I have found the will of God is not as complicated as we make it out to be.  It boils down to doing the right thing.  When faced with choices, there is only one right choice.  If we can separate out all the other choices, then we can arrive at the right one.  Finding the will of God is no more complicated than this.  When it comes to walking with God on a daily basis, then living a righteous life, or at least striving to, will automatically guide us in the right direction for all things.  There should be no anxiety over decisions that need to be made.  There really is only one question.  What is the right thing to do?  If we boil it down to that simple question, there should be no confusion over the will of God for our lives.  It has always been as simple as doing right.

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