Thursday, August 1, 2024

Saying It One More Time Won't Help

“God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power [belongeth] unto God.” (Ps 62:11 AV)

The first part of this psalm is what grabbed my attention.  I didn’t know what that phrase meant.  The writer is simply saying that throughout this psalm, in different ways, he has stated that all power belongs to God.  By stating the concluding truth this way, he is saying there should be no room for doubt.  If there is, it is not because he has failed to prove or state that all power belongs to God.  In a roundabout way, David is insinuating there should be no reason to distrust God with all the times he has just stated that God is the God of all power and strength.  In other words, it is comparable to those times when our parents asks, “How many times to I have to tell you?”.

This statement, or question, can be a humiliating one.  In a good sort of way.  This statement is both affirming and challenging.  There comes a time when more words will not help.  The truth has been stated time and again.  There are no new ways to look at this.  There are no new insights needed.  Repetition is getting tedious and unproductive.  In fact, the more the statement is affirmed, when fear is the issue and not truth, the more truth becomes a bit less effective.  Another statement my parents used to say is, “I’m not going to tell you again”.  Repetition is a great teacher.  It is one of the most effective ways to learn.  Practice is nothing more than learning by repetition.  Eventually, repetition must work out in application.  I am learning a foreign language.  Or at least, trying to.  Going through the lessons is not all that difficult.  The problem is retention.  So, the application I use allows me to practice by repetition in several ways.  Sound great, doesn’t it?  Yet there is still something missing.  I need interaction.  I need people to whom I can speak who knows this second language so that I can hear conversations and apply what I am learning.  I find myself stagnate in this new endeavor because repetition alone doesn’t mature what I learn into a usable skill.

The same is true with faith.  We can read the bible through many times over.  But until we are faced with circumstances that work those truths from the head to the heart, what we have read and learned becomes unproductive.  I can read about God’s creative work.  I can study God’s attributes.  I can understand how sovereignty and free will work together.  I can know all this, but until I am faced with circumstances, that force me to apply what I have learned, repetition is useless.  Affirmation is the next step.  This is David’s point.  Perhaps he is preaching to his own heart.  He is definitely speaking to others.  How many times do I have to say it?  God possesses all power.  He is the source of all strength.  He loves you and wants only the best for you.  No matter what you face, He is always greater.  How many ways does the LORD need to say the same thing before we are willing to trust Him implicitly?


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