Monday, March 4, 2024

Commanded Not To Feel

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” (Jos 1:9 AV)

Did you notice the word ‘command’?  We think we have the right to feel what we feel.  We think we have the right to feel fear, anxiety, or a host of other emotions.  We think we are subject to them like the air around us.  Yet, this is not the LORD’s attitude toward our emotions.  One could argue strength and courage are things that we do.  Or, things we are despite how we feel.  Fear and being dismayed are pure emotions.  One could argue God commands us to act in faith despite our emotions rather than conquer them beforehand or in the process of living in faith.  However, the text does not support this.  It seems the LORD has commanded Joshua to cease fear and dismay.  He has told Joshua to stop feeling that way.  I cannot help but notice this theme has been constant over the last few days.

Some might argue emotions are from the LORD for a designed purpose.  True.  For example, we live in a not-so-safe neighborhood.  There have been a couple of murders over the last five years.  There have been a couple of SWAT raids as well.  There was a mugging not too long ago.  We’ve had multiple traffic stops with guns drawn.  There is now drug activity and prostitution around our neighborhood. It is wise to be concerned.  It is wise to fear.  This motivates me to secure my home as best I can.  I lock all windows and doors at night.  I have multiple locks at all our entry points.  Others are barricaded so on the outside chance our outer walls are breached, it would be difficult to go further.  Lastly, my bedroom is bolted with a deadbolt when we retire for the night.  This is wise and prudent.  Fear motivated me to make our home as secure as it possibly could be.  There is nothing wrong with this.  In fact, the book of Proverbs talks about the simple-minded who see trouble ahead and take no precaution against it.  They are called fools.  Once we have done all we can do, it is time to stop feeling the way we do.  We do not have liberty.  To do so is to cut God short of what He can and may do.

It is natural to feel the way we do.  But let us remember we feel the way we do because we are fallen creatures.  We are not like the animal kingdom which feels as they do for good reason.  Their emotional response is instinctive.  It is God’s given ability for them to survive and populate.  They are overly cautious when they feel threatened.  They can tell when something is not quite right.  But they also know when things are just fine.  How do I know?  Because deer can tell when it is hunting season and when it is not.  While visiting a wilderness place from my childhood, a deer came out of the woods and stood on a dirt road not 75 yards from me.  Upwind!  It did not spook.  It actually stood there out in the open for as long as we were there taking pictures.  If it was deer season, that deer would have bolted across the road into another wood lot with its tail waving in the air.  They react emotionally because there is reason to.  We, however, are cursed with reason and intelligence.  These have replaced instinct.  This allows us to take reasonable risks.  But it also curses us with overthinking and minimizes what God can do if we trust in Him. We are not entitled to feel emotions that limit what God can do.  We are commanded to surrender them.  And that is what we must do.

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